Friday, November 29, 2013

Paid Media??

India is a vast country with an enormous population. Every day thousands of event happens in distinctive society, some positive and some negative, as far as the negative things are concerned this situation sometimes become alarming. Some time people come to street and most of the time they sit at home and keep their heads in front of the TV. In both the cases one medium plays a vital role and that are the media, they support and they oppose or maybe they ignore too.

Considering the current atmosphere of the country in which media is constantly target as PAIDMEDIA, regarding many news about different political parties or some events. Now this may be true but in case of murder trails, rape charges or any criminal offence cases that media covers, the hype increases to the utmost. The people related to the cases respectively argue that the media is not as responsible as they should be in the coverage. Now the question remains that, are they?

Cases such as Aarushi murder case, Aaahram’s case or even Mr. Tejpal’s case garnerd extensive media coverage. Hours of reporting and debates took place and are continuing to take place. Does that affect the justice in any way? No it does not, the judgment is not in any case is influenced by whatever is shown or is showing in media. It is always based on the facts and evidences that law enforcement agencies present in court, even the contents gathered in sting operation is not admissible in the court of law. The basic characteristic of reporting is not to induce any kind of fiction and work only on facts by raising questions and media does just by adding a pinch of hype. Media does influence the thoughts of the people who are watching it. It is however true that through sting operations or by showing a man only as accused even before going on trial influence people to incline towards the conclusion of them being guilty but this the human psychology and its only because we are bound to trust the contents of the news. The trust lead us to form a conclusion even before the final disclosure.

Very recently a verdict in an infamous case came out in which both accused were proven guilty. The kins of the accused blamed the media for not being fair to them. Media does give the hype and people get influenced in reaching to conclusion but that doesn’t mean that it influenced the trial in court of law. Media don’t brand anybody as guilty before proven so, all they say is accused. The circles and arrows made on their face while reporting does make them look like guilty but that’s you can say is cliche of Indian media. 

Indian media has the power of making a good for nothing guy a superstar but it does not go beyond facts. It may ignore some important issue or event that relates to issue such as Ahmednagar slum fire. No media attention has been given to it like it should have been given. Not much reporting and not much debate over it, what should have been done or should be done and who is responsible? May be because the other news had much better TRPs or twitteratis would say that it’s a conspiracy under Paid Media. What Indian media does not do is presenting the news in a sensible manner. Some raise their voice in debate, some make an hour long episodes on the “accused” even before they are proven guilty. Like earlier stated the red arrows and circles over the accused have become a cliche. It only makes the young viewers agitated over what is happening around because even if the issue is not big, it is presented as the reason for the apocalypse. 

Media is an integral part of our lives. It should never target someone without sensibility or rather just for the sake of TRP and should also not be targeted as an excuse for exasperation about eventual conclusions neither for discontent over something.

Media should go with the thinking of balancing the graph of selling and sensibility instead of just selling.